Wednesday, August 11, 2010


you have a fever of 101.1 and you are so hot to touch and so cuddly and sleepy and moody. we just watched monsters inc, and ate cantaloupe. then you put yourself to sleep with your arms wrapped tight around my neck. you went on and on about horses out your window, and babies in your tummy, and tiny dinosaurs who wanted pennies, and how kaj came out of mama but when you were little you were backwards and stuck, and you want to go to the zoo tomorrow, and singing the cinderella song, which you sing "cindergelly cindergelly"....a good 20 minutes of beautiful babble from my beautiful babe. occasionally i asked if you were ok, hoping it was just the crazy toddler talking, not that your fever was spiking and making you delusional, and feeling pretty confident it was just crazy toddler talk. i adore you, wrenny. darlingdarling girl.

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